Biokinetics, life through movement …

Whether the injury was caused by overuse, trauma, compensation, chronic disease conditions, postural abnormalities or even immobility. The exercise therapy aims at healing, restoring normal bio-mechanics, pain relief as well as preventing secondary injuries.

Although we specialise in back pain, hip and knee injuries (this include post operative joint replacements), these areas often affect other joints, therefore other joints or areas may be assessed and included in the treatment.

Chanelle Viljoen is a registered biokineticist working independently in my practice. She is coordinating the group sessions, Vitality assessments as well as consulting as biokineticist to my new and existing patients.

After completing her Degree in Human Movement Sciences at the University of Pretoria, Chanelle completed her Post Graduate Degree at the UWC in 2011, and has since been working as a Biokineticist.

Her slogan in practice is ‘in vita statera’ which means balance in life, and believes when our bodies are out of balance, problems arise. Her aim is to create a balance in life and fitness, in strength and endurance, stress and relaxation and ultimately pain and movement. Chanelle aims to empower you with the necessary knowledge to manage your own conditions and provide you with the tools to prevent further complications. She is a keen cyclist and mountain biker and enjoy pushing herself to her limits on the tracks. This is where she has applied ‘in vita statera’ the most in her own life.

  • Knee pain

    Muscle and Joint Injuries

    Exercise therapy for sports injuries as well as post operative exercises to restore normal function after joint replacements.

    Rotator cuff injuries.

    Hip pain, post-operative hip replacement treatment.

    Knee pain, post-operative knee replacement treatment.

    Ankle injuries.

  • Group exercise

    Group Exercise

    Join one of our groups and get the benefit of expert advise and supervision, at a reduced rate. Our groups are limited to 5 people per session. Once you have been cleared for exercise you can join a group once or twice per week. The sessions are 1hour long, and addresses strength, flexibility, balance and coordination. We regret we cannot do personal rehabilitation during the group session but these are great for maintenance after rehab and for those people who do not enjoy exercise on their own or at the gym.

  • Vitality Fitness

    Vitality Fitness Assessment

    We are accredited Discovery health providers and offer to all our Discovery members the Vitality Fitness assessment as well as the Vitality Functional Assessment for members older than 65 years. The assessment is designed to give Vitality 65+ members a personalised understanding of their physical function and falls risk. This assessment is only available to Vitality members 65 years or older.

    The assessment takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

    The cost of the assessments are R 507.20

  • Fall risk

    Fall Risk

    The risk of falling increases with age. Each year, approximately 30% to 40% of people aged 65 years and older fall. Roughly half of all falls result in an injury, of which 10% are serious and injury rates increase with age.

    I assess Fall Risk, and during this assessment we determine the risk category to plan a strategy to reduce the risk of falling. This programme is aimed at anyone over the age of 65 years or someone who has recently had a fall, or suffers from neuro-degenerative and chronic disease conditions including, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Osteoporosis, Neuropathy or age-related muscle and joint degeneration.

  • Back Pain

    This area is still under construction

Contact Chanelle.
083 226 7547

15 Beaufort Ave, Craighall Park, Johannesburg, 2196.